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Under Construction!Online resource for all things related to digital Comic ArtHere's some links to the pages of some of the regulars in the NYT Arts Forums - enjoy! Mark Malmgren Mark painted over 4000 works - one for every person lost on September 11 - and gave them all away.Ian Summers: heartstorming Krylon on Viscuene - wild!Donald Ricker Lots of stuff - I haven't even found everything yet.Jim Innes Very exuberant paintings - tips on printmaking.arthead Dallas Art Review?Mani de Li Daliesqeness, and criticism of modern art.[Back to Top] Other Sites of Interest
P. Richards: Evolve Check out the beautiful navigigation logo on this personal site, an exellent minimalist design solution - also a lot of truely amazing DHTML, Javascript, VML and Direct animations.OptiDigit 3D Animations and GalleriesAnfy Java Animation Softwareconclaveobscurum Eeeeeerie!GraphicFantasy Great Flash intro - turn up the sound on this one and the one above! Check back soon - there will be more!HTML
Documentation and ArticlesFind all sorts of useful links and information on this page, including articles on web design and philosophy by Tim Berners-Lee, such as:Links and Law The first article in a series on hyperlinks and other germane subjects by Tim Berners-Lee - here's an index of articles:Design Issues Philosophy by Tim Berners-Lee.WDVL: HTML - The HyperText Markup Language There are so many HTML Tutorials out there, If I start listing them, I'd never get the rest of this web site done - however, I have generally found the tutorials found on the WDVL (Web Developers Virtual Library) to be generally clearly written, and helpful - I relied on it heavily when creating this site. "Centripetal Textuality", by P. Aaron Potter from Victorian Studies Volume 41, Number 4. An interesting article on the impact of hypertext in scholarship. I also recommend Steven Johnsons, Internet Culture, some fascinating Internet history, as well as an in depth exploration of computer interfaces.WDVL: Parlez Vous HTML ? An article that answers the question: why validate? - as well as some tips on writing well formed HTML.WDVL: Nav 101 Yet another WDVL article, this one dealing with the eternal design problem of website navigation.EchoEcho.Com: Tutorials Good basic tutorials with excellent references and and a great layout - indispensible for quick attribute references.Really Safe Web Colors Really safe web colors! ImplementationsA very nice (and free) HTML text editor, written by Paul Lutus, which is user configurable, and has internal browser capability - this site was written on Arachnophilia! Check out Graphtitude as well, a graphing program.Evrsoft's 1stPage Comes highly recommended by people who share my hatred for WYSIWYG editors and their schizophrenic code wizards - a bit more complicated interface than Arachnophilia, but with more scripting support, including line number support, CSS, ect. Tidy (see below) is built in. See WDVL's HTML Editor Page for reviews of freeware and commercial packages. Update: installed a relatively harmless, but extremely annoying virus on my hard drive, JS loop A - if you downloaded this program, check for a file called "7 buttons from hell" in the evrsoft folders, and delete it. I personally cannot recommend software that contains viruses!!!Tidy Tidy is an HTML and XML validation tool, for testing web pages for well formedness, critical to XML. The author, Dave Raggett claims it is able to make sense of HTML created by MS Word! There are also links to other HTML editors on this page, try them out, I'm certainly going to.Webreference: Dmitris Design Page Various design tutorials and references.WDVL: Nav 101 An introduction to the basics of site navigation.[Back to Top] DHTML
DynAPI LinksDynAPI is a library of Javascript functions, written to be cross-browser compatable - not as big an issue these days maybe, but check it out, you might be amazed what you can do with javascript.The DynAPI Project DynAPI DHTML Tutorial Dan Steinman's DynAPI Examples SourceForge: DynAPI: Cross-Browser DHTML Library Research Triangle: Beginner's Guide to DHTML [Back to Top] CSS
Glish.Com: CSS Layout Techniques: for Fun and Profit Cross Browser CSS, lots of information and links, some free layouts, check it out.Cascade DTP An in browser CSS editor.MeyerWeb: CSS/Edge Damn the Torpedos! AN exploration of the cutting edge of CSS, with some inevitable discussion on what works and what doesn't, in what browser - but more fun this way.[Back to Top] XML
Documentation and ArticlesThe W3C's XML FAQ - read it.Scientific Computing: XML TO TAKE SCIENCE BY STORM Journal of Online Mathmatics and it's Applications ImplementationsThe W3C's official open source browser/editor, used as a test platform for the latest web implementatins.Schemasoft: MathML to SVG Converter [Back to Top] SVG's
Documentation and ArticlesEverything about SVG's from the W3CAdobe SVG Zone Get the SVG Adobe Viewer here.PinkJuice Tobias Reif's site, tutorials, examples, and information. ImplementationsList of current SVG enabled applications.Jasc Webdraw Nice, inexpensive SVG solution. I've been fairly impressed with Jasc software, the images in my gallery were all done in PaintShop Pro.Mayura Draw A bit more primitive, but cheap, and it converts Illustrator 8 files! Well worth $25.00.[Back to Top] |